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The outbreak of Covid-19, more commonly known as Coronavirus, has affected and taken thousands of lives around the world already. But it is also having a growing impact on the global economy and probably your business.
The fact is that just as some people will die from Coronavirus, some businesses will fail. And in the case of businesses, the best precaution is not handwashing whilst singing happy birthday.
We know owner-managers are very worried about the impact on their business and we are keen to try and help do whatever we can to support you.
This is why we have created the A4G Coronavirus Business Advice Hub.
We will be updating this hub daily to provide you with the best advice and tips for getting your business through the current crisis.
>Click here to go to our Coronavirus Business Advice Hub<
What we’ve been sharing this week
• Practical tips for your business: 9 practical tips to reduce the impact coronavirus has on your business that you can put into place now.
• Managing your cashflow during the crisis: Advice on how you can reduce the impact this crisis has on your cashflow and how you can forward plan for any cashflow issues.
• Coronavirus HR policy template: A free Coronavirus HR Policy template that you can easily edit in accordance to your business and send to your employees.
• Coronavirus HR factsheet: A factsheet answering the most common questions you and your employees will have over the coming weeks.
• Business Interruption Loans: Detailing how Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme works, who’s eligible and how to apply
Don’t just bury your head in the sand. If you’re not getting the right support from your accountant in these uncertain times, we can help. We’re working around the clock to issue practical advice and financial support on navigating this nightmare. Our services include short-term cashflow forecasts, preparing management accounts to present to a lender, calculating your real-break even, HR advice and support – just to name a few!
As we tell our clients, send over any questions to us. We have a team of knowledgeable and experienced specialists that can help and advise with anything. And if there’s anything we don’t know; we will know someone who does.
What we’ll be sharing soon
• More details and advice on the Job Retention Scheme
• Details how we can help you can apply for the Statutory Sick Pay credit
• How we can help you apply for the small business grant delivered by the local authorities
• Advice on whether you should put your business into hibernation
• HR advice on how to support your employees’ mental health
• Information on the tax changes as a result of coronavirus
• Advice on cashflow and management accounts
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